


There shall be the following categories of memberships:

 Life Fellow Member: A full member who has attained a psychiatry degree (MD Psychiatry or Diploma in Psychiatry Medicine) and has paid the dues for life membership, as decided by the Executive Council.

Associate Member: A qualified professional working in the field of mental health but not a psychiatrist.

Student Member: Postgraduate students who are eligible to become student members during their period of studentship.

Cessation of Membership

The council may delete from membership a person who fails to pay dues despite two reminders and a final notice regarding his dues from the treasurer or the general secretary.

The membership of any member may be terminated for other reasons which the council may deem sufficient by votes not less than two third of the council members present at a special meeting called for this purpose or at annual council meeting. The member concerned shall have right to explain his conduct and the general secretary shall acquaint all the members of the council with his explanation. He shall have the right of appeal to the general body if he so desires, but in this case he must inform the general secretary of his desire to do so within a month of the receipt of the decision of the council.

Extra Ordinary general Body Meeting

An extra ordinary general body meeting be called for specific purposes either by the council or by one fourth of the voting members, with permission of the president. One fourth of the voting members shall constitute quorum for the meeting. Seven day’s notice of the meeting with agenda shall be given to the members.


The Governing Body of the Society shall be known as “Executive Council” of Delhi Psychiatric Society.

Composition-Executive Council shall consist of 10 members. The office bearers shall be President, a Vice President, a General Secretary, a Joint Secretary and a Treasurer. There will be five addition council members. The posts of editor will be created as and when decided by the General Body.

The minimum and maximum strength including office bearers shall be five or twelve respectively.

All the office bearers of the society shall be elected at the annual general election by the eligible voting membership of the society.

The general secretary shall solicit nominations for election of office bearers and council members. Each nomination must be proposed by one and seconded by another eligible voting member and contain consent of the nominee in writing. All nominations must be received by a date determined by the council.

Voting shall be by secret ballot at the time of general body meeting.

If no nomination has been received for a particular post by due date, the council shall be authorized to elect a life member or full member to the post. The person thus elected shall hold office for one year.

The election proceedings duly signed by the outgoing members, if any will be filed in the office of the registrar immediately after the elections are held.



The president and the vice president shall hold office for Two  years and shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office. The vice presidents shall be automatically the President for the two year. The treasurer Joint secretary, the general secretary and the editor shall each have a term of two years  and shall be eligible for re-election.


a)  The president shall preside at all the general body meetings of the society and at all the meetings of the Council. He shall be the ex-officio member of programs, ethics, election and constitutions and bylaws committee, ex-officio returning officer and any other committee that may be formed.

b) The vice president shall perform the duties of assigned or delegated to him by the president in consultation by the council.

c)  The general secretary shall keep the records of the society and perform all duties delegated to him by the council and bylaws. He shall organize all meetings and conferences. He shall present annual report at the Annual General Body meetings. He shall be the ex-officio member of all committees.

d)  The joint secretary shall perform the duties assigned or delegated to him by the General Secretary in his absence.

e)  The treasurer shall receive, disburse and account for all funds of the society under the general directions of the Council. He shall submit an audited financial statement each year to the council and to the general body. He may authorize any other member of the society to receive funds fees donations on his behalf.

f) If the president is unable to function because of absence or illness, the vice-president shall act for the president. In case of the resignation or the death of the President, the vice-president shall be the President for the rest of the term and the next year.

g)  Any office bearer can be removed from the office by two third majority of all the total existing voting members as on that date following proper investigations and recommendations by the council, after having been given opportunity to state his case.

h)  The council shall exercise all the powers of the society that are not otherwise assigned. The responsibility of the council shall include:

  . Interpreting the provisions of the constitution and the bylaws
  . Establishing dues and assessments for the membership
 . Controlling the funds of the society and authorizing expenditure from the funds.
 . Administering special funds and awards.
.  Allowing and withdrawing affiliations with other organizations.
  .Authorizing the starting of a branch of the society.
  .Appointing and employing professional auditors.
 . Appointing and approving all committees of the society.
. Doing all other necessary things to carry the purpose of the society not in consistent    with this constitution, and its bylaws, or with this constitution and its bylaws or with        decision of the general body.

Admission And Qualification Membership

Any person desirous of becoming the member shall make application in the prescribed form. His name must be proposed and seconded by one life full member of the society. He shall pay the application fee fixed by the council.

The application for membership shall be considered by the council for election. The member, on election, shall pay admission fee and annual subscription determined by the council and shall sign a declaration in the form “I hereby solemnly pledge that I shall promote the aims and objectives of the Delhi Psychiatric Society” to the best of my ability and shall abide by tits constitution and bylaws, after which he shall become the member. A member shall be deemed to have been a member since the date of his election by the council.

Yearly subscription shall be due on 1stJanuary. A member shall forfeit all membership rights, if he does not pay it by 30th June. The membership rights shall be restored only on payments of all dues. If any candidate is refused membership, he will be informed in writing giving reason for refusal.

If an appeal of a member is rejected by the general body, he will be informed about the rejection of appeal giving reasons thereof.

Appeal & Readmission

Persons earlier deleted may return to the society only on being processed as a new member. However he must disclose on admission that he had earlier been deleted; and if reelected, in case of deletion on account of non-payment of dues, he must pay all arrears or two years subscription in lieu of the arrears. If the person has been deleted due to reason other than non-payment of dues, then the council must ensure that similar circumstances do not arise which led to this deletion from the membership.


Fellow Member shall have thew right to attend the annual conference and other scientific meetings to receive a copy of the statements of accounts and annual reports of the society. All members shall pay fees as determined by the council for their categories.

Fellow Member shall have right to hold elected officers, serve in the council or serve as chairman of constitutional or other committees.

Fellow Member shall be eligible to vote in the election of office bearers and council members, for amendment of the constitution and by laws and in the meeting of the general body.


General Body defined: It shall be constituted by all categories of members.

Powers and duties of the general body: The general body shall have the powers to elect the office bearers and council members, amend the rules and regulations and by-laws.

Quorum and notice to the meeting and periodicity: An annual conference of the society shall be held at such time and place as determined by the council. The annual general meeting shall be held at the time and place of the annual conference. Thirty days’ notice shall be required for Annual General Body meeting. One third of the voting members shall constitute quorum for the meeting and thirty day’s notice of the meeting with agenda shall be given to the members.

Quorum And Notice Of The Council Members

The council shall meet at the time of the Annual Conference (this meeting shall be called the Annual Council Meeting) and at such other times as decided by the general secretary. Four members shall constitute the quorum for the council meetings. The general secretary shall give fifteen days notice of such meetings.

The decision of the council meetings, when the council may withdraw, rescind or modify any or all such decisions. Action taken earlier on the basis of council decisions shall however remain valid.

Any five members may with permission of the President, requisite a meeting of the Council. The general secretary may with the permission of the president requisite an extra ordinary meeting of the council. Not with standing anything in rules and regulations or of the bylaws, the permission of the president shall be necessary for convening such meetings. Seven days notice shall be required for an extra ordinary meeting.

Every meeting of the council shall be presided over by the president and in his absence by a member chosen at the meeting.

In case a council members or an office bearer resigns or is unable to serve the council may co-option that shall be valid only until the next election.

A council member or office bearer shall be considered as, “unable to serve”, for the purpose of section 5, above, if he intends to or has resided or outside the country continuously for six months or more.

Written comments of absent members may be considered at the council but all questions shall be determined by the members present.

The source of income of the society shall be admission charges and subscription from the members, registration and donations from other societies, organizations, persons etc., without violating its aims and objectives.

1st April to 31st March

By the name of the society in any national bank operable with joint signature of president, general secretary and treasurer of the society.

Section 6 of the act, The society may sue or be sued in the name of the president, general secretary as per the provision laid down under section 6 of the societies registration act, 1860, as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.

Any amendment in the memorandum of the association on rules will be carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down under the section 212 and 12a of Societies registration act, 1860.

If the society need to be dissolved it shall be dissolved a s per the provision laid down under section 13, 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.